Saturday, December 17, 2011


I am so not consistent when it comes to updating here but for my memory down the road, i will persevere and update here. These memories are just too precious to let them pass us by...

Deanna's vocab is taking off like crazy! She still has her fascination with daddy blue car -- bye bye. She does a great job with her colors... although she doesn't say Yellow ... she always says black for yellow... it's funny how she says purple.... that r in the middle is kind of butchered. I love the way she says papertowel... sounds like pee pee towel... cute!  She is kind of getting interested in the potty but not enough for me to take that project on... it will come in time and when i feel she is totally ready, I will be ready.

Jenna is getting so big, SO fast! It's unreal to me that she is already 6, almost 7 months now.  We have started the rice cereal and introducing one food at a time... so far, squash and butternut squash have been on her menu.  She's doing really well.  She is rolling around like crazy -- she does a plank when she is on the ground and within the last few days has found her knees and has been rocking  back and forth.  She will be taking off crawling any day now. Makes me think to kid proof the wires and cords a little better... italy doesn't make that very easy.  We are scheduled to go to the dermatologist on Dec. 28th ! finally! I have been trying to get in since October to figure out what Jenna's birthmark is on her face.  At the 6 moth appt the doctor mentioned it might be something called Nevus sebacous... i sure hope not after reading b/c i'm not too sure we can do anything about it... poor little one... iguess it could be a lot worse though,,, but anything to keep my girls from feeling any self conciousness down the road...

Christmas is coming! I am trying to get the traditions in place :) fun times ahead!