Monday, January 9, 2012

Growing on up!

Deanna is talking like crazy! Her fascination with "Daddy blue car" is still in full mode! Too funny :) She makes us laugh each and every day. We moved Deanna into her "big girl room!" She loves it and has done really well with the transition.  I made curtains for her room which turned out pretty cute! I am excited for her to move into her own room because that means we were able to move little miss Jenna into her own room! She is doing great in her own room and in the crib.  In fact last night she slept the whole night through with no feeding in the middle of the night! Victory is mine! It's not like I got a good nights sleep though b/c last night Deanna happened to wake up ~ Boo!

Jenna is now sitting up on her own.  She is getting big and so cute! Today we go the dermatologist to see what's going on with the birthmark on her face.  I am ready to put a name to it and know what it is and to see if there is anything we can do about it.

Don is awesome right now at the laundry mat doing all of family laundry! Love him!!

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