Thursday, September 29, 2011

That's dosss

She really means gross, yet it comes out as dos~ makes us laugh. The lesson i have learned lately is to not attend a scentsy party with an undr napped two year old. I was so exasperated at her behavior, i felt i had no other option than to pack it up and head least at home i have peace and the situation can be better handled by me. I am praying for patiece, peace and thanksgiving along this road of motherhood with two little ones... I have been getting stiff necks ~ ouchhee! makes the days long when in pain. On a sidenote, i got my hair done at this kickass salon just down the street.  I will  return for sure.

Jenna my little love is already wearing 6 mos clothes and weighs 14lbs! Her smile is the best!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11

We will never forget... 10 years later and I am just as sad as that day.... I have been in a funk all day long.  DOn keeps asking what's wrong and I just feel a bit depressed today.  The walk outside sure felt great.  It's funny how getting outside can brighten one's mood and disposition.

Deanna made me laugh today at church... i look back at her and she had all the Mr. Potato head pieces in her face... his ears in hear ears, his mouth in her mouth and etc.  Made me laugh.  Jenna lynn is as cute as ever and is staring at me intensely as I write this post.  She is 14 weeks today! Too cute! She is also wearing an outfit that is 6-9 months! Chunker! I am still trying to figure out what that thing is on her cheek.  I keep feeling the urge to mess with it but  i don't want to do any damage to her face.  I'm hoping the thing will start going away on it's own...

That's all for now! Pics to be posted soon :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fun times!!

My sister has been here visiting and OMG what a fun time! It has been a whirlwind of fun and good times! Lot's of food, coffee, gelato, driving! Jenna Lynn has decided she hates the car and has decided to cry most of the time we drive.  Here's a run down of our adventures for the last few days:

9.3 ~ Deanna's "banana" birthday party then we took an overnight trip down to Venice!
Venice was fun, yet crowded!

Monday 9.5 ~ Deanna's real birthday! We had fun just relaxing! We went to the base during the day and walked around ans exercised.  Don gave us a tour of the tower and we enjoyed lunch at the golf course ~ that place is perfect for the kids b/c they can run around on the putting green.  Later that day we decorated the table and had Deanna open all of her gifts from her birthday party, as well as some others. Her most favorites are the tea set, the bday cake, the Mr. Potato head, the baby and stroller ~ We have a total surplus in toys right now! Haaa! It was so cool being able to skype with all the grandparents as we wished her happy birthday.

Tuesday 9.6 ~ We went to the mom and tots class and got our fitness on. Afterwards we walked to the Aviano market and looked around and bought some cute clothes.  I love the dress I got from there, the shirt, not so much! Later, we came back to the house and waited for Don to get off work.  We drove up to Barcis and toured around and drank some wine at a nice spot.  We then drove back down and ate dinner the Casa Bianco.  It was a yummy dinner.  We then got ice cream at the Gray mall.  Fun night! We got home late and Deanna was plum tuckered! I was beyond full! I think cones make you more full than getting a cup :)

Wednesday 9.7 ~ Beach day!!! We packed our overnight bags and left the house for Jesolo beach.  Too bad I got lost on the A4 driving down there! Once we passed the Venice aeroporto I realized we had gone too far.  We eventually found it and enjoyed our day on the beach.  We were looking forward to spending the night there but it seemed more fun that how it was rolling out o be.  Deanna was so TIRED and was just falling apart... plus our hotel was gross and I was just longing for my bed. When MA came back up to the room I told her how i felt and we were in the car outta hotel Grief! haa! Funny name of the hotel :) It was so nice getting home to a nice shower, a great dinner in Roveredo with MA -- we ordered incorrectly and the guy brought us SO MUCH FOOD! The bolognese, our first course, was SO yummy, yet so filling ~ we had already ordered 2 other courses! Eiy! Don had leftovers :) Poor Don did not get to indulge in his solo man night.  He was so much help when we got back! Love him! ♥

Thursday 9.8 ~ Woke up and went to the corner coffee/ pastry shop on the corner.  Got a yummy cappuccino and enjoyed watching Deanna play with an Italian girl in the store.  Too cute! We walked the market and again bought some goodies (clothes!).  I love the clothes at the market.  I think they are super cute and cheap! Later on in the day, we went to base and picked up groceries and MA did some laundry.  Don had put a yummy roast in the crock pot for us so we indulged in the most yummy dinner.  Anya came over and did dinner with us.  The gelato this night was super delicious!!! ❋

Friday 9.9 ~ We drove to NOVE! Carla was amazing and offered to watch Deanna during the day ! What a treat that was going to visit Nove! The cool VBC shop had so many items that it was fun getting some cool stuff for the house.  I got a cake stand with dessert plates, a Santa cookie dish, a creamer and sugar bowl, a tea pot and a butter dish... i did good! When it came time to pay, MA decided to pay for it all! OMG ~ so generous! Thanks!! Long day of driving ~ it was worth it once we got there, but my goodness! There has got to be a better way to get there.  I can't wait to go as a passenger next time.

We will see what the weekend will bring us :) Fun times!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Deanna Banana Birthday Party!

Today is the day that has been swiriling in my head for a few months now... since we call Deanna "banana" we thought the theme had to be Bananas! We have some fun things going on ~

I made her and her sister a dress out of banana fabric!
Bean bags have been made to throw through the monkey belly that Don drew out and we painted
The favor bags are ADORABLE! They are muslin with a banana applique out of the banana fabric of course!
We made frozen banana treats... i made some frozen banana ice cream but it wasn't setting so I hope it's working out this morning as it's had time to freeze overnight...

I will add some pictures on here when the time comes to me uploading some from the big day :) Yay!!! Having Maryann here is so much fun~!

Deanna is doing ok after her fall from my bed! Ugh! Can't believe that happened... she does complain about her neck area ~  I think she got whiplash... yikes!

We go to Venice after the party so today is a FULL day!

oh no!

Deanna fell off our bed last night!so scary ~ she seems ok today but is complaining her head hurts ~ i feel awful!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Buzz Lightyear

Both Don and I are in love with the way Deanna says Buzz... the zzz's at the end are said with her teeth clenched together ~ too cute! It's kind of fun too that just the mention of Buzz can distract her away from what she's not supposed to be doing ~ win win!

Jenna is starting to suck her thumb~