Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11

We will never forget... 10 years later and I am just as sad as that day.... I have been in a funk all day long.  DOn keeps asking what's wrong and I just feel a bit depressed today.  The walk outside sure felt great.  It's funny how getting outside can brighten one's mood and disposition.

Deanna made me laugh today at church... i look back at her and she had all the Mr. Potato head pieces in her face... his ears in hear ears, his mouth in her mouth and etc.  Made me laugh.  Jenna lynn is as cute as ever and is staring at me intensely as I write this post.  She is 14 weeks today! Too cute! She is also wearing an outfit that is 6-9 months! Chunker! I am still trying to figure out what that thing is on her cheek.  I keep feeling the urge to mess with it but  i don't want to do any damage to her face.  I'm hoping the thing will start going away on it's own...

That's all for now! Pics to be posted soon :)

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