Thursday, September 29, 2011

That's dosss

She really means gross, yet it comes out as dos~ makes us laugh. The lesson i have learned lately is to not attend a scentsy party with an undr napped two year old. I was so exasperated at her behavior, i felt i had no other option than to pack it up and head least at home i have peace and the situation can be better handled by me. I am praying for patiece, peace and thanksgiving along this road of motherhood with two little ones... I have been getting stiff necks ~ ouchhee! makes the days long when in pain. On a sidenote, i got my hair done at this kickass salon just down the street.  I will  return for sure.

Jenna my little love is already wearing 6 mos clothes and weighs 14lbs! Her smile is the best!

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