Friday, December 14, 2012

Little Jenna!

It was a rough nights sleep last night, therefore Jenna and I were sleeping on the couch... (after I finally got back to sleep) I awake to Jenna kicking me in the ribs and finally letting herself off the couch. I cracked my eyes open enough to see her walking out of the living room -- i figured if I'd hear her -- anyway, she walks back to our bedroom, takes Don's full glass (real glass) of water, walks back the couch, AND POURS IT ON ME!!!! Good Morning!!! She's lucky she's loved :)

She's a cutie!!

Other than that, we are enjoying the Christmas season and preparing for Baby Jesus! This year has been so great being plugged into my church community.  I am especially excited this Christmas because it has been renewed within me the true reason for Christmas.  Thank you Jesus for coming to this earth and reconciling our sins.  You are amazing and I, we are unworthy of your love. Thank you Jesus! The kids will be in a Christmas Pageant at church. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing Deanna singing and participating.  Fun times ahead! :) 

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