Saturday, March 16, 2013

Memory Tracker -- March 2013

OK~  Here's my renewed sense of writing things down so i remember the funny things about my sweet little girls and Don --

Here's some sweet memories lately:

We go visit our Friends Lucia and Christian who were in the hospital waiting for their baby to be born -- we complete our visit, get all the way down to the parking lot and Deanna shouts "Oh shoot! I forgot to tell them Merry Christmas!" It was so funny esp since Christmas had already been long gone. 

Deanna loves to put on classical music on my phone and she will start doing ballet here in the living room.  She is so cute and very "dramatic" in her dancing.

Deanna likes to talk about her fashion show.  Do we want to come to her fashion show, can we be in her fashion show,,, etc etc! 

Birthday parties are all the rage right now and the kids adore them! It's very funny watching them surround the birthday boy/ girl while they open gifts -- it's a mob!

Jenna is too funny and starts taking off her pants... you look and next thing you know she has no pants on. 

Deanna likes her Asilo but lately says she does not want to go and asks me if today i pick her up at lunch -- which we do Tuesday and THursday because of Ballet. Teacher conference the teacher said how well Deanna is doing.  She also said her drawing of people is great and a step ahead of kids her grade.  

Deanna refuses to wear any of her pants in her wardrobe.  She would rather wear dresses with short sleeves per her request and tights, but they must be tights with feet -- lately she has been wearing these shoes I have set aside b/c they are too small -- she wears them even though they are too tight. 

Jenna has these cheeks that are just so cute! 

Candy is their new favorite and upon retrieval they act like you have just saved their lives. They both recall that the candy is on top of the fridge in the pretty boxes we made them for Valentines. 

Deanna and Jenna both love to go to church and all of the church events.  

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