Monday, March 25, 2013


As i sit to write this I am filled with a heart of gratitude and hoy.  I am so thankful and overwhelmed about the love our God has for us.  The more I learn, the more astounding his love truly is.  What is incredible to me is how many people stray from his love! His love is fresh nectar off a tree that is sweet to our spirits and soul.  I am guilty of straying from love and letting the flesh take over.  I pray to have peace in my relationship with my husband that tends to be lacking these past few weeks.  I ask that I clearly communicate and not let thoughts fester of dwell within me. I pray that i can mother loving even though I am getting climbed on, kicked, and distracted while I am trying to check the computer.  Let me remember that the things that are truly important are the ones I am letting "bother" me.  I pray to have a more open heart to their needs.  I ask that relationships that I want t o see grow, grow.  Please give me more that just a Hi, bye type of relationship.  I pray that i stay consistent with my goals. Keep me on a healthy path of exercise and eating habits.  Pray for heath among our family.  I ask that you heal my girls and their nasty coughs that they have had forever.  I ask that i remain healthy instead of feeling sick every 2 weeks.  I pray that i find my new role in PWOC a good experience and one that does not separate me and my husband. I also pray that I am in line with You, the Father.  Keep me in your word and let me know how to best learn more about you.  Let the distractions that keep me away be put aside and know that I am in your spirit.  Let the Holy Spirit reside and work within me to spread your good news.  In your name  I pray, Amen!

Memory tracker: Deanna has learned that it's funny to name names such as pee pee head and poo poo head, etc, etc... To me it funny, but it really is not funny.  I pray that this phase is not a lasting one. I lvoe when Deanna smiles and her little nose scrunches up.  It's so cute! XO.  Just love her so much.

Jenna is a hoot right now.  She has lately learned what she wants! She will lead us by the hand and say 'c'mon! She will lead us right to what she needs -- which lately seems to be candy or "cup" that sounds like pup... she's funny! I had to bring Jenna to bed with me last night -- seems to be that I never get the bed to myself anymore. Her sweet little voice just woke up and clearly said, "hi!" So cute!!

God is Good all the time!

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