Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Oh my gosh, 5 years later and I had to come back to view this blog! So in love with these memories that are put down in writing! I just re read the memory of Jenna pouring the glass of water on me! That is so stinking funny! That kid seriously cracks me up.  The McCann Family is strong in the Lord and makes us strong as a family!

Jenna is now 6 almost 7 and is my little heart.  With her sweet face and funny spirit she just has my heart!  She is in first grade this year and is thriving!  She is a total star at gymnastics and is outstanding in it! I'd like to find an even better program for her to enhance those skills even more.  She is taking off reading! She just got an invitation for Quest class so i think she's right on path to a great future in school success.  She calls her teacher cupcake and Miss Fortune calls her cupcake too. Jenna just lost her front tooth. She asked the tooth fairy for $20.00.... the tooth fairy gave her $3.00.  Her other tooth is needing/ wanting to come out and it now at a bizarre angle where i feel the need to pull it out.  Jenna is currently in my bed nursing a cold.  I thank God my girls are healthy 99% of the time.  I pray Jenna's congestion does not lead to croup tonight.  She has had 2 bouts of that since we've been in Sumter.  Jenna loves our dog Charlotte and will ask to sleep with Charlotte almost overnight.  I'm not a big proponent of dogs sleeping in our beds, but I will let Jenna sleep with her as i'm just so busy and don't have the time to pay Charlotte the attention she needs.  Dog mom guilt!!

Deanna is in the 2nd grade.  She is beyond a sweetheart and is so articulate! Tonight i got her happy meal and a hot fudge sundae.  She was over the moon and several times expressed her gratitude.  It was just a sweet and refreshing moment in these days of motherhood especially 2018 as i'm the lone ranger.  Deanna is flourishing in school and doing a fabulous job learning.  She is well advanced for her grade.  We are starting her on multiplication/ division and fractions!  It's crazy! She is most certainly going to beat me in math.  Deanna is in tap and jazz and doing awesome!  She's finding her coordination  a bit better these days, and works on her moves in the kitchen.  She's just a delight.  She has a love for reading.  Most nights I tuck her into bed when she's got a stack of books and flashlight. She loves mystery books and often times will finish them in a day or two.  I got a note from her teacher about Deanna singing the lyrics to a church song in class and sharing her faith with her classmates.  Her teacher just loves Deanna!  Both girls are doing an amazing job with girl scout cookies!  600+ boxes each.  Praise God Girl Scout cookies are almost done!

I am doing good!I miss my mom terribly and wish I could pick up the phone and call her and ask her questions, especially questions of faith she'd so easily answer. She'd have the perfect advice, wisdom and reference to my questions.  I often wonder about her in heaven.  I am thinking she's probably enjoying her rest up in heaven.  Now that i've experienced death on a personal level it's just so final.  I hate that I can't take anything back.  I hate that I can't ask her how she's doing, what she's doing, what her opinion is, her past history and etc.  I can only treasure the memories I have with her and that is exactly what I do.  Praise the Lord God above that my mom was believer in Christ Jesus.  Having this assurance really gives me peace knowing she is in heaven hugging on Jesus and sitting at his feet.   I am continuing on in my faith walk, day by day by day!  I love the new wisdom I glean each year and the beautiful souls that I have met along my way that have enhanced my Christian walk! Here's some names so I can check in another 5 years and recall them by name, Megan Pitts, Deborah Park, Debbi Trosper, and Dalana Barnett and Helen Hafich, Meredith Mateer.  I am doing a few different parenting studies these recent days. Spiritual parenting by Michelle Anthony, 6 truths of parenthood by Karen Stubbs, and Intentional parenting by Doug Fields.  I am enjoying my time at CCC and thankful i made the change to be more involved community wise.  I loved Bethesda and the truth it spoke into the season of time that we needed it, but grateful for the change of pace.  In these 6 lonely months (2 months down) I am doing the Alexia Clark workout program.  It's seriously the BEST workout program i've done to date. I was just told my a friend that my backside is literally half the size it was when I met her... which is crazy as I've always felt I was thin, but looking back I was a bit round!  i don't intend to quit this program any time soon so praying for endurance and health on this new fitness plan.  I would like to tighten up my food a bit :)  i know what number of macros to conquer each day, but i have not take the time to track and plan...  One day!!  My banner business is going great.  It's a little bit at a turtle pace which actually is ok with me as i'm feeling so busy it's hard to fit it in all the time.  Some days I can't even fit in my time with Jesus , so how the heck will i fit in a banner?  The $$ motivates me but my spirit is always looking out for that motivation putting my priorities out of place.  I am serving on PWOC board currently.  I am the VP of programs this year. I love this role as it lets my serve the ladies using my gifs and talents. I am tired and thank God for scripture that reminds us to run the race and to be encouraged!

I must go to bed! I will write on this more often as I love seeing these memories!

Monday, March 25, 2013


As i sit to write this I am filled with a heart of gratitude and hoy.  I am so thankful and overwhelmed about the love our God has for us.  The more I learn, the more astounding his love truly is.  What is incredible to me is how many people stray from his love! His love is fresh nectar off a tree that is sweet to our spirits and soul.  I am guilty of straying from love and letting the flesh take over.  I pray to have peace in my relationship with my husband that tends to be lacking these past few weeks.  I ask that I clearly communicate and not let thoughts fester of dwell within me. I pray that i can mother loving even though I am getting climbed on, kicked, and distracted while I am trying to check the computer.  Let me remember that the things that are truly important are the ones I am letting "bother" me.  I pray to have a more open heart to their needs.  I ask that relationships that I want t o see grow, grow.  Please give me more that just a Hi, bye type of relationship.  I pray that i stay consistent with my goals. Keep me on a healthy path of exercise and eating habits.  Pray for heath among our family.  I ask that you heal my girls and their nasty coughs that they have had forever.  I ask that i remain healthy instead of feeling sick every 2 weeks.  I pray that i find my new role in PWOC a good experience and one that does not separate me and my husband. I also pray that I am in line with You, the Father.  Keep me in your word and let me know how to best learn more about you.  Let the distractions that keep me away be put aside and know that I am in your spirit.  Let the Holy Spirit reside and work within me to spread your good news.  In your name  I pray, Amen!

Memory tracker: Deanna has learned that it's funny to name names such as pee pee head and poo poo head, etc, etc... To me it funny, but it really is not funny.  I pray that this phase is not a lasting one. I lvoe when Deanna smiles and her little nose scrunches up.  It's so cute! XO.  Just love her so much.

Jenna is a hoot right now.  She has lately learned what she wants! She will lead us by the hand and say 'c'mon! She will lead us right to what she needs -- which lately seems to be candy or "cup" that sounds like pup... she's funny! I had to bring Jenna to bed with me last night -- seems to be that I never get the bed to myself anymore. Her sweet little voice just woke up and clearly said, "hi!" So cute!!

God is Good all the time!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Memory Tracker -- March 2013

OK~  Here's my renewed sense of writing things down so i remember the funny things about my sweet little girls and Don --

Here's some sweet memories lately:

We go visit our Friends Lucia and Christian who were in the hospital waiting for their baby to be born -- we complete our visit, get all the way down to the parking lot and Deanna shouts "Oh shoot! I forgot to tell them Merry Christmas!" It was so funny esp since Christmas had already been long gone. 

Deanna loves to put on classical music on my phone and she will start doing ballet here in the living room.  She is so cute and very "dramatic" in her dancing.

Deanna likes to talk about her fashion show.  Do we want to come to her fashion show, can we be in her fashion show,,, etc etc! 

Birthday parties are all the rage right now and the kids adore them! It's very funny watching them surround the birthday boy/ girl while they open gifts -- it's a mob!

Jenna is too funny and starts taking off her pants... you look and next thing you know she has no pants on. 

Deanna likes her Asilo but lately says she does not want to go and asks me if today i pick her up at lunch -- which we do Tuesday and THursday because of Ballet. Teacher conference the teacher said how well Deanna is doing.  She also said her drawing of people is great and a step ahead of kids her grade.  

Deanna refuses to wear any of her pants in her wardrobe.  She would rather wear dresses with short sleeves per her request and tights, but they must be tights with feet -- lately she has been wearing these shoes I have set aside b/c they are too small -- she wears them even though they are too tight. 

Jenna has these cheeks that are just so cute! 

Candy is their new favorite and upon retrieval they act like you have just saved their lives. They both recall that the candy is on top of the fridge in the pretty boxes we made them for Valentines. 

Deanna and Jenna both love to go to church and all of the church events.  

Friday, December 14, 2012

Little Jenna!

It was a rough nights sleep last night, therefore Jenna and I were sleeping on the couch... (after I finally got back to sleep) I awake to Jenna kicking me in the ribs and finally letting herself off the couch. I cracked my eyes open enough to see her walking out of the living room -- i figured if I'd hear her -- anyway, she walks back to our bedroom, takes Don's full glass (real glass) of water, walks back the couch, AND POURS IT ON ME!!!! Good Morning!!! She's lucky she's loved :)

She's a cutie!!

Other than that, we are enjoying the Christmas season and preparing for Baby Jesus! This year has been so great being plugged into my church community.  I am especially excited this Christmas because it has been renewed within me the true reason for Christmas.  Thank you Jesus for coming to this earth and reconciling our sins.  You are amazing and I, we are unworthy of your love. Thank you Jesus! The kids will be in a Christmas Pageant at church. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing Deanna singing and participating.  Fun times ahead! :) 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Time is here!!

Love me some Christmas!!

My true hearts intent is to remember the most true important reason of the season and that is celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! Thank you Jesus so much for coming to live, experience, and know the human experience.  Thank you for dying on the cross and promising to return.  I feel baptized in your love knowing you are coming again.

With Deanna and Jenna Christmas is so fun! Don and I are looking forward to setting traditions that our children will cherish for their lives.  One tradition that i really want them to know is the Nativity.  With us living in Italy, we are fortunate to visit the creche scenes that Italian villages will set up.  In our town at the big church, the Nativity scene is massive! Cookie baking, Christmas movies, daily doses of Christmas music, crafts, play dates, Christmas Pageant at church, and Gingerbread house construction are all on the menu this season. Deanna cracks me up~! She keeps saying, "Santa will be here in a minute!" She has a month to wait.

The Tree is up and shining in it's gold glory.  I was so happy to find a tutorial online to help me create the ribbon look for the tree that I was envisioning but no idea as to how to actually execute. I love success!

We have the Elf on Shelf, but i keep forgetting to move the darn thing.  Thankfully Deanna is not totally yet remembering the Elf...i bet next year she will be! Eiy! I see all those crazy ideas for the Elf around the internet.  I truly ask myself if I am one who can manage the Elf and all his antics :)

I do love this year because I can be crafty.  I truly love my Silhouette machine.  I was bummed that 3 months after i got my SD machine they came out with the cameo.  This season they are hosting a "Dear Santa" letter project. The grand prize looks AH-MAZING! Please choose me please!  I have been using the machine to make awesome Merry Christmas banners.  I need to make a better one for myself.... the options are endless with this machine! Thank you for this machine! I wish to be so with it one day that I can make an online etsy shop selling my stuff.  That is the plan, just need to find the time and specialize in certain projects and become just a tad more knowledgeable in computer/ web design.

All for now but I will keep posting... probably not on any regular type of basis, but that's me ;)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tuckered out on the car and singing your praises

As we drove home from church the sweet little girlies fell asleep in the car. As they sleep in the car to avoid the transition of going in the house, I plug my iPhone into the player of the car and listen to my worship music . Thank you God for all the blessings you have given me in my life. I love you and praise you. Please put the worlds troubles at rest.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Dora Birthday Party

I had so much fun planning Deanna's 3rd Birthday!.
Pinterest was my friend a few months ago putting some ideas togehter. I thought I'd post the pics and ideas from her birthday bash in case any other mama's out there are planning their cuties big day too....

Here is the link to my pinterest board...
Tons of my inspiration and ideas came from items tagged in pinterest

 The goodies in the favor bags
Bandaids, silly bands, toothbrush

We used paper bags and cut up Dora scrapbook paper to decorate them up a bit

 For the Dora cake I used my pampered chef batter bowl... turned out pretty cute

Dora tummy ticklers for the drinks as well as another giveaway
Binoculars out of tp rolls... put stickers and crayons on table too but didn't get much use out of those

What's a party without a bounce house? 

52" Dora Balloon ... cute but when filling the arm had a hole... boo on you party city

I'm the map! Love my silhouette machine that helped me make the face -- 
The silhoutte machine totally rocks and helped me make the map... so easy!! 

Parachute Paradise... first stop on the map
Giraffe Pond... 2nd stop... we used water balloons and had them pop it
Rainbow tree --- 3rd and final stop on the map...

Nacho bar... simple, easy and great!

Our birthday girl!
 Dress from http://www.etsy.com/shop/BabyThreadsByLiz
Lessons learned:

  • The tattoos in the goodie bags went unnoticed and could have done without...
  • Have your husband know where his phone is when he is doing the ice run so lines of communication are left open
  • Always give yourself even more setup time than you think you need... no matter how organized you are...
  • LOVE the silhouette machine! Get one! I could have done so much more but sometimes it's hard for me to start projects when the house is messy...
Fun times!